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Renovations at Day
The Premier,Dr Zamani Saul, accompanied by the MEC responsible for Health, Ms Mase Manopole in the Northern Cape, officially opened a newly renovated Maternity Ward at Galeshewe Day Hospital in Kimberley. The renovations presented Provincial Government with an opportunity to be more innovative and creative in finding ways to achieve our strategic goals, raising life expectancy, reducing the burden of disease and most importantly, ensuring the reduction in maternal and infant mortality.
To ensure compliance in terms of building standards, service delivery standards and infection control; the newly renovated 22 bed maternity ward included the following amongst others,
- Laying of a vinyl floor, painting, plumbing and tiling.
- installing five toilets and showers,
- replacing non-functional medical gas equipment and firefighting equipment.
- redesigning patient flow through installing dry walls, to ensure compliance on security features, CCTV surveillance has been installed.
A sanitation booth in an effort to respond to COVID-19 has been installed as well as a stand-alone infra thermometer to ensure contactless measures in sanitising all health personnel and patients accessing the facility.
As part of empowering local SMMEs towards the implementation of this project, local contractors were contracted with procurement of 95% of material taking place locally. This project also created jobs for 30 unemployed youth who also underwent a week’s accredited skills training course.
The revamped unit, has its own dedicated staff and will go a long way in addressing the great need for maternity health services in the Galeshewe community and broadly the Sol-Plaatje municipality. The opening of the renovated unit shows Provincial Governments dedication in addressing the needs of our community.