
Engagement With Leaders Of Faith Based Organizations

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On 31stOctober 2019, Premier Dr ZamaniSaul was joined by Members of the Executive Council at an engagement with leaders of various Faith Based Organizations at the MayibuyeMulti-Purpose Centre in Galeshewe.

It was an interactive session driven by robust discussions with the main purpose of acknowledging the role of this sector in thefight for liberation under the apartheid regime as well as encouraging faith-based leaders to claim their rightful place as partof the journey towards building a Modern, Growing and Successful province.

Premier remarked:” Some of the challenges that require our collective efforts are crime, corruption, the kind of support we are giving to young people, gender based violence and femicide. Women and children have the right to freedom of movement without any threat to their safety.”

The leaders, from across the religious spectrum reflected on the 2018 Inter-Faith Summit’s resolutions and had no holds barred in expressing the challenges they are faced with in the communities which they serve.

Premier Dr Saul made a commitment to personally convene the next engagement by inviting various other relevant stakeholders who would be able to address the challenges raised.

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