GOAL 1: Improved transparency and accountability through coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the Office of the Premier’s implementation of policies and providing support to the Executive Council and the Premier.
GOAL 2: Objectives and targets of the Northern Cape Provincial Growth and Development Strategy progressively realized through facilitation, monitoring and provision of strategic leadership and guidance to the Provincial Administration.
GOAL 3: Improved efficiency through coordinated, integrated policy development, planning and implementation of the Government Programme of Action
GOAL 4: Efficient and effective service delivery established and maintained through sound intergovernmental, inter-departmental and sectoral relations throughout the Provincial Government.
GOAL 5: Improved quality of life of all citizens of the province, in particular mainstreaming issues of the vulnerable groups across all government programmes and through promotion of people-centred good governance.
GOAL 6: An effective, efficient, developmental Northern Cape Provincial Government through increased service quality and access, human resource management and development, improved business