Service Delivery Charter

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  • Premier Support
  • Director-General Support
  • Employee Health and Wellness Services
  • Security & Records Management
  • Secretariat Services for Executive Council
  • Financial Management
  • Information Communications Services
  • Intergovernmental Relations
  • Labour Relations
  • Strategic Human Capital Development
  • Services to Older Persons, Children,Women, Persons with Disabilities and Moral Regenation
  • Human Resources Management Services
  • Policy Planning Services
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Services
  • Efficiency Services
  • Secreteriat Services for Aids Council
  • Records and Security Management Services

Our Commitment as Public Servants

As public servants we commit to the following

  • We will honour the constitution and the laws in the execution of our duties
  • Serve the public in an un-biased and impartial manner in order to create confidence in the public service
  • Be polite, helpful and reasonable in dealing with the public, at all times treating members of the public as customers and with high standards of service
  • No unfairly discriminate against any member of the public on account of race, gender, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, political persuasion, conscience, belief, culture or language
  • Deal fairly, professionally and equitably with other employees
  • Act against fraud, corruption, nepotism, maladministration and any other act which constitutes an offence
  • Give honest and impartial advice, based on all available relevant information

Our service beneficiaries and stakeholders

Are service providers and anyone who has vested interest in what we do as the Office of the Premier which include the following:

Provincial Legislature, National and Provincial Government Departments, Municipalities, Provincial Shared Audit Committee, Labour, Parastatals, Business sector, NGO’s, CBO’s, FBO’s, media , Units within the Office of the Premier and the General Public.

Review of service

We shall review and update our Charter annually during the strategic planning session to ensure its relevance to our service beneficiaries needs as well as the Office of the Premier’s protocols.

How you can help us
You can do this by:

  • Providing us with timely, necessary and accurate information any time or during our public participation programmes
  • Treating our staff with courtesy and respect
  • Suggestion Complaints register (recording of all complaints)
  • Public Participation programmes e.g. Cabinet meets the people or Izimbizo
  • Community Forums


Northern Cape Office of the Premier
Physical address of Head Office
T&I Building
69 Memorial Road
Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

Contact Telephone Numbers
053 030 0800

Email Addresses


A Modern, Growing and Succesful Province. 

Improving government’s performance through coordination, strategic leadership, and integrated planning and monitoring and evaluation.

