Name: Mr M Mantantana
Tel: 053 838 2600
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Provincial Transformation Programmes:
The Directorate coordinates, monitor and evaluate service delivery on special programmes as well as introduce interventions on emerging service delivery challenges.
The central purpose of Special Programmes is to Mainstream, Coordinate, Monitor and evaluate programmes in terms of Women, Children, and People with Disabilities to address inequalities and restore the moral fibre of society.
- Office on the Rights of the Child
- Office on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
- Office on the Status of Women
- Moral Regeneration Movement
- Policy analysis assists in identifying gaps in policy and implementation around impact of gender, disability and child’ rights related legislation;
- Mainstreaming is a central function of the special programmes with the objective of ensuring that government complies with its gender, disability and children’ rights commitments and those in the Charter of Positive Values;
- Co-ordination of all programmes through regular meetings and focal points provincially;
- Monitoring and Evaluation generates reports which provide progress made against benchmarks;
- Institutional support and Capacity building is aimed at strengthening government’ systems, processes and structures to ensure delivery sensitive to the target groups;
- Advocacy in terms of conducting public awareness and education for the promotion of mainstreaming gender, disability, children’ rights and moral fibre related issues in government programmes (policies, plans and strategies) with extensive campaigns associated with celebratory/commemorative days
- Liaison and networking actively by attending local, regional, and national seminars/workshops.