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On March 6, 2025,Northern Cape Premier Dr. Zamani Saul delivered the state of the  Province Address (SOPA) at the Mittah Seperepere Convention Center in Kimberley.

The address focused on several key priorities for the Province including:

Infrastructure Development: Plans were outlined to upgrade the Upington airport to enhance its status as a central transport hub. Additionally a R2.5 billion investment in water infrastructure in Sol Plaatje Municipality aims to address ongoing water crises and transform Kimberley into a major construction site.

Renewable Energy initiatives: The Premier highlighted the importance of upgrading the power grid through investments from Eskom, positioning the Province as leaders in renewable energy and the green economy.

Economic Growth and Job Creation: The provincial government plans to stimulate the economy by focusing on job creation especially in sectors such as mining, agriculture, and infrastructure. This is part of a broader strategy to reduce poverty and unemployment. Additionally, the Northern Cape aims to leverage the State-Owned Construction Company to establish a large-scale construction hub, providing more jobs and growth opportunities for the province.

Education and Healthcare: The Premier outlined the efforts to enhance education and healthcare services, including the construction of new schools and health facilities, as well as improving the existing services to better meet the needs of communities.

Overall, the address aimed to create a vision of a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable Northern Cape, with  concerted efforts in education, health, economic development and social justice.

Northern Cape Office of the Premier
Physical address of Head Office
T&I Building
69 Memorial Road
Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

Contact Telephone Numbers
053 030 0800

Email Addresses


A Modern, Growing and Succesful Province. 

Improving government’s performance through coordination, strategic leadership, and integrated planning and monitoring and evaluation.

