
Premier Sylvia Lucas Launches NC Men’s Forum

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Premier Sylvia Lucas called on men and people of the province as a whole, to take a stand against the scourge of violence against Women and Children, during the official launch the Provincial Men’s forum in Kuruman on 25 August 2017.

MEC Gift Van Staden echoed the message that the provincial Men’s forum is a gathering to end the brutality against the vulnerable people in our communities. He reiterated his desire to see this movement impact the communities in the province in a profound way.

The Premier said that the violence against vulnerable people was about power relations and the struggle of dominance and the perpetual cycle of abuse.  She continued by saying, “it is a choice and it is up to us to break the cycle of violence”.

The men at the launch took a pledge to stop the violence against Women and Children. Two men from each of the five districts in the province were chosen to be representatives in the forum and to continue the fight to end abuse against Women, Children and People with disabilities.









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