Input by the acting Premier of the Northern Cape, MS G. Cjiekella, on the occasion of the switching on of the low power trasmitter in Askham - 12 NOVEMBER 2012
Programme Director
Honourable Minister for Communications, Ms Dina Pule
Honourable Mayors and Councillors
Dr Sehumo Mohapi, CEO of Sentech
Mr. Lulamo Mokhobo, Group CEO SABC
Mr. Vincent Tsoenyane, Acting Group Executive- SABC
Representatives from SABC
Representatives from the Department of Communications
Representatives from Sentech
Representatives from ICASA
Community of Mier Municipality
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen
Today marks a historic milestone not only for the communities that will draw benefit from this project, but for the Northern Cape Province as a whole.
Our collective dream to being connected to radio and television has been realized from this day onwards. We can now celebrate the fact that we have access to television and radio broadcasts that incorporate news, entertainment and live sports coverage at the push of a button.
For years we as government have encountered great difficulties in communicating with our communities in the Mier area. This makes it difficult for us as Government to perform our work because we have the responsibility to provide our citizens with information that will ensure that they become active participants in helping Government to change and develop their lives.
Through radio and television we are able to share and communicate vital information hence it is critical that we are able to access these mediums.
In today’s world news travel fast as a result of radio and television and other mediums such as social networks. It would therefore be a social indictment for us not to take our rural communities on board and make these services available to them.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as Government and our stakeholders, we have jointly committed ourselves to make sure that every South African has access to information via television and radio services.
Through this initiative we are also ensuring that people, such as you, who live in rural areas, have access to the same services such as those living in urban areas.
Sonder radio en televisie dienste is dit onmoontlik om bewus te wees van die wêreld rondom ons. Radio en televisie maak dit moontlik vir ons om nuus van ons land en regoor die wêreld te kan hoor en sien.
Dit maak inligting en selfs vermaak beskikbaar, maar meer belangrik is dat dit aan ons noodsaklike opvoedkundige inligting soos onderwys, gesondheid en sosiale aangeleenthede verskaf en ons help om besluite te neem wat ons lewens positief kan verander.
Dames en Here, dit maak ons as ‘n regering dus baie gelukkig dat die SAUK en ander rolspelers saam met ons die visie deel om hierdie dienste daar te stel vir gemeenskappe.
In samewerking met die SABC, Sentech, ICASA en die Nasionale Departement van Kommunikasie, het ons oor die afgelope sowat drie jaar soortgelyke senders in Heuningsvlei en Van Zylsrus in die John Taolo Distriksgebied aangeskakel.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this project forms part of one of the priorities of this ANC-led Government, which is rural development. By switching on this low power transmitter today, we are improving the lives of our people.
This community will now have access to SABC 1, SABC 2, SABC 3 and the radio station Radio Sonder Grense (RSG). This will therefore allow you to access information in the language of your choice which complements our vision as Government to build a society that respects the diversity and language preference of its citizens.
The importance of having access to information can never be underestimated. Radio and television have a crucial role to play in disseminating valuable information on government programmes and policies and assists us in educating our people on issues that lie close to their hearts.
Allow me to thank the Department of Communications, the SABC, Sentech and ICASA for their commitment and for working tirelessly in ensuring that our communities can have access to radio and television broadcasts.
The impact you have made on the lives of this community will stay with them forever.
We thank you for projects such as these and look forward to future partnerships that will assist us as Government in ensuring that our people are empowered with knowledge and information.
Dames en Here, aan die gemeenskappe van Askham, Rietfontein, Welkom, Mier, Andriesvale, Noenieput, Kakamas, Keimoes, Riemvasmaak en Vredesvallei wil ek sê dat dit is inderdaad vir my ‘n groot plesier om in hierdie historiese oomblik van julle te deel en om amptelik hierdie uitsender aan te skakel.
Ek wil die hoop uitspreek dat julle met ure van kyk en luister genot gaan verskaf word; van sport, tot sepies, tot opvoendige programme vir die kinders, maar bo alles dat julle groot baat sal vind deur hierdie aanskakeling en dat julle lewens op ‘n positiewe manier verryk sal word.
Ek dank u.
I thank you.
- Hits: 4786