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Creatives in the Northern Cape are in for a transformative experience as the Amandla Entsha Arts Programme takes place from 17–20 February 2025. An initiative founded by producer and musician, Neo Power, with the aim of empowering emerging artists by providing space to develop skills, explore artistic traditions, and foster meaningful connections.

Over the course of three days, participants will engage in masterclasses (Day 1) and capacity-building workshops covering crafts, tufting, textiles, visual arts and music (Day 2 and 3), all designed to foster artistic and entrepreneurial development.

Among the industry experts guiding participants is Evelyn Maruping, a renowned Media & Partnership Strategist, who will be hosting “The Art of Winning Partnerships” masterclass. Having successfully secured sponsorships for her own initiatives like the Northern Cape Starlet and She Is Fabulous Women’s Awards, Maruping believes the Amandla Entsha programme will provide creatives in the Northern Cape an opportunity to enhance their craft while monetising their art.“This is a programme that aligns perfectly with DSAC’s mandate to capacitate and empower young creatives, an opportunity that rarely comes our way”, Maruping says.

Creatives aged 18-35 are encouraged to apply by using this link:  or by visiting the Galeshewe SMME Village or Mayibuye Precinct.

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