President Convenes Cabinet Lekgotla

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President Cyril Ramaphosa has convened a Cabinet Lekgotla with leaders from all spheres of government in order to review government's progress on priorities, assess challenges and set the agenda for the seventh administration.

The plan proposes three strategies priorities 

. Inclusive growth
. Job creation 
. Reducing poverty and tackling the high cost of living

Other areas of focus include funding Small, Medium, and Micro Enterprise (SMMEs) and the "missing middle" in reference to students whose household income is too high to qualify for NSFAS funding, yet too low to afford tertiary education without financial assistance. 

The outcome of the meeting will shape government's policies and programmes that will be announced by the President during his State of the Nation Address (SONA) in Parliament on Thursday, 6 February 2025 at 19:00.

Caption :President Cyril Ramaphosa with Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

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