Northern Cape Provincial Government Launches The Bereka-Mosha Programme

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The Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul, today, on behalf of the Northern Cape Provincial Government, officially launched the Bereka Mosha programme aimed at addressing the skills development and at creating employment in the Province. 

The programme has employed approximately 152 young graduates under the following Programmes:

Vota Ulutsha Brigade, a Programme of the Ministry of Youth, Women, People living with Disabilities, Communication and eGovernment.  These young people will assist the Provincial Government in successfully executing a one-year civic education drive that seeks to ensure that young people are registered and educated around the importance of voting;

In partnership with the Financial and Accounting Sector Education and Training Authority ( FASSET) about 50 young graduates will be placed at the Northern Cape Provincial Treasury for a skills development programme;

Through the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, 30 Library Assistants and 17 Sports coordinators are placed across the Province.

Premier Dr. Zamani Saul welcomed the young people to the Provincial Government and encouraged other young people to grab every opportunity created by Government.



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