Induction and Training Programme rolled out by The Office of The Premier

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Yesterday and Today (6 & 7 July), the Office of the Premier rolled out the Induction and Training Programme for the Media Attaches.

The Media Attaches training takes place under the Theme: 'An Approach to Strengthen Government Communicatioñ at Provincial & Local Government Level'.

The Induction Porgamme laid a firm foundation of what government is all about and how it operates.
There were presentations that dealt with various policies of government and the Code of Conduct,  Furthermore, it focused on role of the Office of the Premier and how we as employees reflect the vision of government even outside of the official working hours.

Today, the presentations and engagements focused on the role of government communicators as well as reflect on how the Media Attaches fit into the Government Communicatioñ System.





Northern Cape Office of the Premier
Physical address of Head Office
T&I Building
69 Memorial Road
Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

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053 030 0800

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