The Northern Cape Provincial Government Welcomes the R7 Bilion Investment by Vedanta Zinc International

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr. Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Northern Cape Provincial Government welcomes the R7 billion investment by Vedanta Zinc International (VZI) into the Gamsberg Phase 2 project. This investment forms part of the second phase of the R21 Billion commitment pledged by VZI at the Inaugural Investment Conference held in 2019, in Gauteng.

This investment bodes well for the reduction of poverty and unemployment in the province and will positively contribute towards us realising our vision of a Modern, Growing and Successful province.

The Gamsberg Phase 2 expansion project will double the mine and plant capacity from 4Mt to 8Mt. This will make VZI and South Africa the largest zinc producer in Africa. The project will also bring significant Socio-economic benefits to the Northern Cape including 2000-2500 jobs during construction and 800 -1000 permanent jobs upon completion of the project. This is in addition to the 2700 people already employed at the mine.

The investment will significantly benefit the local community and enhance supplier and enterprise development.

The project will also form part of the Namakwa Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and will contribute towards secondary industries and downstream beneficiation. Vedanta is also committed to produce green zinc from this expansion to make our province emission free.

The VZI investment and others announced in our State of the Province Address earlier this year demonstrates that the Province is a safe and reliable investment destination and as Government we will support all initiatives geared at economic growth and development in our province.

Working together with our socio-economic partners we will build a Modern, Growing and Successful province. The Northern Cape is open to investments.

Media Enquiries
Ms Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Spokesperson to the Premier
Issued by the Office of the Premier
30 March 2022

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Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

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A Modern, Growing and Succesful Province. 

Improving government’s performance through coordination, strategic leadership, and integrated planning and monitoring and evaluation.

