Northern Cape Reconcilation Day Commemoration

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, will lead the commemoration of the Provincial Day of Reconciliation in Phillipstown on Wednesday, 16 December 2020. The event will be commemorated under the theme "United in Action against Racism, Gender Based Violence and Other Intolerances."

Every year in December, we commemorate not only Reconciliation Day but also dedicate the entire month of December to reconciliation. Reconciliation Month reminds us that together we can bridge the divide created by apartheid and move our society forward. This year the call is being made to all men to know and declare that: Rape stops with me, Domestic violence stops with me, Sexual assault stops with me. South Africans are also challenged to confront their preconceived ideas about race and racism.

As part of the Commemoration, Premier Saul will also be honouring struggle heroes by unveiling tombstones of family members of the Kapa and Mthini families. These struggle heroes who hail from Phillipstown, have dedicated their lives to fighting for a free and democratic South Africa. The unveiling forms part of the Northern Cape Government's programme of paying tribute to heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle.

Accompanying the Premier will be Members of the Executive Council, local Mayors and families of the struggle heroes to be honoured.

The Provincial Commemoration is scheduled to take place as follows:
Date: 16 December 2020
Venue: Open area- Lukhanyisweni Hall, Phillipstown
Time: 10h00

Members of the media are invited to cover the proceedings. All Covid-19 regulations will be strictly adhered to.

Media Enquiries:
Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Office of the Premier
083 447 6586
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Conrad Fortune
Department of Sport, Arts and Culture
079 873 0679
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Issued by the Northern Cape Provincial Government
15 December 2020

Northern Cape Office of the Premier
Physical address of Head Office
T&I Building
69 Memorial Road
Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

Contact Telephone Numbers
053 030 0800

Email Addresses


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