Putting Batho Pele to Action
Understanding our vision and mission
In order that it may realise its vision and mission the Office of the Premier has adopted the following values and guiding principles:
Leadership – We will provide leadership in all aspects of provincial government operations and promote evidence-based decision making;
Transparency and accountability - We will be transparent in all our service delivery process and foster a culture of fairness, honesty and integrity;
Operational excellence – We are committed to rooting out irregular and corrupt activities and promote continuous learning, professionalism and efficient operations;
Responsiveness and effectiveness – We will be responsive to the needs of our people and deliver high quality value added services;
Equity and accessibility – We will improve access to services and treat our people equitably, especially, mainstreaming vulnerable groups; and
• Teamwork and participation – We will work with departments in the province and other stakeholders to streamline and fast track the delivery of public services in the province.
GOAL 1: Improved transparency and accountability through coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the Office of the Premier’s implementation of policies and providing support to the Executive Council and the Premier
GOAL 2: Objectives and targets of the Northern Cape Provincial Growth and Development Strategy progressively realized through facilitation, monitoring and provision of strategic leadership and guidance to the Provincial Administration
GOAL 3: Improved efficiency through coordinated, integrated policy development, planning and implementation of the Government Programme of Action
GOAL 4: Efficient and effective service delivery established and maintained through sound intergovernmental, inter-departmental and sectoral relations throughout the Provincial Government
GOAL 5: Improved quality of life of all citizens of the province, in particular mainstreaming issues of the vulnerable groups across all government programmes and through promotion of people-centred good governance
GOAL 6: An effective, efficient, developmental Northern Cape Provincial Government through increased service quality and access, human resource management and development, improved business
Office of the Premier
Northern Cape Province
JW Sauer Building
Cnr Quinn & Roper Street
Tel: 053 838 2600
Private Bag X5016
Templar Building
Cnr Bean and Clarence Street
Tel: 053 802 5000
Office hours: All offices
07:30 to 16h00
The office of the Premier derives its mandate from the constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1999.
The Premier is responsible for the:
Establishment and abolishment of any department of the provincial administration;
Determination regarding the allocation of any function to, or abolition of any function of, any office or department of the provincial administration concerned or the transfer of any function from one such office or department to another or from such office or department or anybody established by or under any law of the provincial legislature or from any such body to such office or department;
Appointment, promotion and transfer of employees in the Office of the Premier;
Appointment and other career incidents of a head of provincial administration and Provincial Heads of Department; and
Determination of area of jurisdiction of traditional communities and recognition of traditional leaders and withdrawal of such recognition.
The creation of inter-governmental relations forums to enhance service delivery as required by the IGRFA (Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act)
Administration is made up of five (5) sub-programmes namely:
1. Premier’s Support
To support the political head to execute his / her role effectively and efficiently.
2. Director General’s Support
To provide efficient and effective administrative, financial and governance support to the office of the Director General
3. Security & Records Management
To preserve the Corporate Memory of the Office of the Premier and provide for a safe working environment.
4. Executive Council Support
This Sub-Programme’s key function is to support the Executive Council and the Executive Council Cluster Committees in the execution of their mandate
5. Financial Management
To ensure proper management of financial resources in the Office of the Premier through effective reporting, budget management and supply chain management.
Institutional development is made up of five sub-programmes:
1. Strategic Human Resource Management
The sub programme consists of five divisions:
• Human Resource Administration
• Human Resource Development
• Efficiency Services
• Labour Relations
• Employee Health and Wellness
2. Information Communication Technology
To provide strategic IT management and support to the Office of the Premier and other provincial departments, as required.
3. Legal Services
To render a comprehensive legal advisory service to the Northern Cape provincial government and local government to ensure compliance with law in order to minimise litigation
4. Communication Services
To provide an efficient and effective communication service to enable the Premier, the Director-General and Senior Managers in the Office of the Premier together with the Executive Council and Heads of Departments to execute strategic goals of government through the efficient utilisation of information technology as a strategic resource in the execution of the provincial government functions.
5. Programme Support
Administrative and management support to the DDG: Institutional Development as well as the coordination and management of units in the programme (2)
Programme 3: Policy and Strategic Services
To provide leadership and guidance with regard to policy development, policy implementation and governance
The programme consists of the following sub-programmes:
1. Special Programmes
Special Programmes consists of the following:
• Office on the Status of Women (OSW)
• Office on the Rights of the Child (ORC)
• Office on the Status of Persons with Disabilities (OSPD)
• MRM & Transformation (Batho Pele)
2. Intergovernmental Relations
To coordinate and manage sound International Relations, Protocol and Ceremonial Services, IGR and ODA
3. Provincial Policy Management
Provide policy and strategic planning services to the Northern Cape Provincial Government
Provincial Policy Management consists of the following;
• Policy coordination, Research and Development
• Development Planning
• Monitoring and Evaluation
4. Programme Support
To provide leadership, support and coordinate the activities of components within programme (3)
Are service providers and anyone who has vested interest in what we do as the Office of the Premier which include the following:
Provincial Legislature, National and Provincial Government Departments, Municipalities, Provincial Shared Audit Committee, Labour, Parastatals, Business sector, NGO’s, CBO’s, FBO’s, media , Units within the Office of the Premier and the General Public
We will provide high quality professional service that is responsive to service beneficiaries needs. We monitor the quality and effectiveness of our services.
You have the right to all the Batho Pele principles, especially the following:
• We will treat you with respect
• Provide prompt and efficient services
• Be fair & reasonable
• Value privacy
• Be courteous at all times
• Provide clear and accurate information
• Redress and an apology for lapses in our service delivery
Service delivery is a two-way process. We expect you to be courteous and respect the dignity of the officials you interact with.
Service Beneficiaries are consulted about the level and quality of services they receive and wherever possible be given a choice.
The Office of the Premier is committed to regular consultation with all customers, internal and external, through our stakeholder forums, meetings and campaigns.
Service Beneficiaries are told what level and quality of service they will receive, so that they know what to expect.
The Office of the Premier is committed to setting, monitoring and maintaining high standards to improve service delivery
All Service Beneficiaries have equal access to the services to which they are entitled.
Through public meets, outreach and appropriate improvement of our office infrastructure, the Office of the Premier will at all times ensure access to services offered
All Service Beneficiaries are treated with courtesy and consideration
Staff in the Office of the Premier will at all times wear nametags, be polite, helpful and treat all service beneficiaries with dignity and respect
Service Beneficiaries are given full, accurate information about the services they receive
We will use publications, public and media platforms to provide you with most accurate information about the services you are entitled to receive
Service Beneficiaries are told how the Office of the Premier’s services is run, about its budget, and who is in charge.
You have the right to know how the Office of the Premier is run, how the money is spent and the department’s achievements and areas for development. All this information will be published in our annual report
If a promised standard of service is not delivered, Service Beneficiaries are offered an apology, an explanation and a speedy remedy. When complaints are made, Service Beneficiaries receive a sympathetic and positive response.
The office of the Premier will provide a leaflet for complains/complements as a means for feedback on the quality of our service. We will strive to resolve your complaints effectively
Services are provided economically and efficiently.
By ensuring proper budget management and supply chain management process, the Office of the Premier will ensure that we provide the best possible service in the shortest time ensuring efficient use of resources.
• Answer promptly, within 5 rings.
• Identify ourselves and our unit.
• Be courteous and polite.
• Listen carefully to what you want to tell us.
• Customers will not be subjected to unnecessary telephone referrals, there shall be a maximum of three (3) referrals, and thereafter the person will take down your details and get back to you.
Your complaint will be resolved within 30 working days as follows:
• We will acknowledge your query within 5 working days
• We will start investigation within the above 5 days and inform you of progress within 10 days
• All staff addressing your queries shall be competent and knowledgeable.
• All Office of the Premier staff shall wear name tags to facilitate identification.
• No letter, submission or query will lie for longer than 5 days on any officials’ table.
• All due dates will be met.
All components shall monitor, evaluate, review and report on the quality of their services against the
service standards.
All Branches will report against service standards to the DG on a monthly basis.
A complete report will be published for public consumption on the Office of the Premier’s annual report which goes on in April/May after each financial year.
We will put the following in place to measure and monitor our performance against standards
Registering and acting on your feedback and complaints about our service which comes through:
• The client service e-mail address
• Your contact with service points
• A link on the website
• Complaints, Suggestion and Compliments Boxes
We shall review and update our Charter annually during the strategic planning session to ensure its relevance to our service beneficiaries needs as well as the Office of the Premier’s protocols.
You can do this by:
Providing us with timely, necessary and accurate information any time or during our public participation programmes
Treating our staff with courtesy and respect
We value and appreciate your feedback on the quality, timelines and responsiveness of our services
We need to know if:
• You have received outstanding service
• You feel we are not meeting our service commitments to you
• You have ideas on how we can improve our service to you.
In order to ensure that your needs and expectations are met, you may fill in a feedback form which we have made available at our offices and leave it in the suggestion box, we encourage you to provide us with your comments and suggestions. We treat all feedback carefully, deal with it promptly and use it to continually improve our service standards.
You can give us your feedback in various ways
In writing, Telephonically, On-line, and in person
• Suggestion Complaints register (recording of all complaints)
• Public Participation programmes e.g. Cabinet meets the people or Izimbizo
• Community Forums
E-mail: Ms. Tshadi Seleke This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. If you are dissatisfied with manner in which your complaint was handled contact or call Ms. Tshadi @ 053 838 2479.
VISION A safe, democratic and prosperous province with an empowered and inclusive citizenry. MISSION To provide strategic leadership, direction and coordinated planning, monitoring and evaluation of developmental programmes to provide the quality of life for all. VALUES In order that it may realize its vision and mission the Office of the Premier has adopted the following values and guiding principles: Leadership - We will provide leadership in all aspects of provincial government operations and promote evidence-based decision making; Transparency and accountability - We will be transparent in all our service delivery process and foster a culture of fairness, honesty and integrity; Operational excellence - We are committed to rooting out irregular and corrupt activities and promote continuous learning, professionalism and efficient operations; Responsiveness and effectiveness - We will be responsive to the needs of our people and deliver high quality value added services; Equity and accessibility - We will improve access to services and treat our people equitably, especially, mainstreaming vulnerable groups; and Teamwork and participation - We will work with departments in the province and other stakeholders to streamline and fast track the delivery of public services in the province. Upholding the rule of law Integration and Coordination Professionalism VISION A safe, democratic and prosperous province with an empowered and inclusive citizenry. MISSION To provide strategic leadership, direction and coordinated planning, monitoring and evaluation of developmental programmes to provide the quality of life for all. VALUES In order that it may realize its vision and mission the Office of the Premier has adopted the following values and guiding principles: Leadership - We will provide leadership in all aspects of provincial government operations and promote evidence-based decision making; Transparency and accountability - We will be transparent in all our service delivery process and foster a culture of fairness, honesty and integrity; Operational excellence - We are committed to rooting out irregular and corrupt activities and promote continuous learning, professionalism and efficient operations; Responsiveness and effectiveness - We will be responsive to the needs of our people and deliver high quality value added services; Equity and accessibility - We will improve access to services and treat our people equitably, especially, mainstreaming vulnerable groups; and Teamwork and participation - We will work with departments in the province and other stakeholders to streamline and fast track the delivery of public services in the province. Upholding the rule of law Integration and Coordination Professionalism