Message of Condolence on the Kgosi Kgosienewang Emmauel

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Provincial Government, wishes to express our sadness on the passing of Kgosi Kgosienewang Emmauel Jantjie II of Batlhaping Ba Phuduhucwana Ba-ga Jantjie. At the time of his passing, Kgosi Jantjie was 72 years old and had ruled his people since the age of 24. He was well versed in matters of traditional affairs and served his people with distinction. He also served the council of traditional leadership at various levels during his life and was the Deputy Chairperson of the John Taolo Gaetsewe Local House of Traditional Leaders and a member of the Provincial House at the time of his death. His passing is a great loss not only to the people of Batlhaping Ba-ga Jantjie but to the Province in general.

At this hour of great loss, our thoughts are with his wife, Mma-Kgosi Jantjie and the Boora Jantjie Royal Household, the Batlhaping Ba-ga Jantjie Traditional Council and the community. Our sincerest condolences also to the various Houses of Traditional leadership and everyone who has come to know; love and respect this remarkable man.

Kgosi Jantjie will be laid to rest at his homestead of Magwagwe village on Thursday, 15 October 2020.

Released by the Office of the Premier
Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Spokesperson to the Premier
083 447 6586
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