Message of Condolence and Tribute to Credo Mutwa

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The Premier of the Northern Cape Dr. Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Provincial Government, wishes to express our sadness on the passing of our Human Treasure, an activist of note in fostering social cohesion, cultural diversity and the spirit of Ubuntu in our country’s diverse society, Ubaba Credo Mutwa.

Like many of his peers who were affected by the socio-political impact and planning patterns of the apartheid regime, Credo Mutwa sacrificed his time, leisure and family in the fight against apartheid.

Ubaba Credo Mutwa played an indelible role in both the liberation and development of our country and to this we owe him an immeasurable debt of gratitude. He leaves behind a proud legacy of steadfastness, resilience and selflessness and we are grateful for his exceptional and outstanding contribution and sacrifice to the liberation struggle.

His legacy is engraved in the minds and societal fibre of our people through the enormous contribution he made to conscientize society to appreciate their Africanism. Baba Credo Mutwa was a well-renowned writer, storyteller, artist and iSanusi. He was also viewed as one of the custodians of African Heritage, particularly South African Heritage. He played a fundamental role in the preservation and transmission of Cultural Heritage.

We will make an application to the President that Ubaba Credo Mutwa be accorded a Provincial official funeral.

At this hour of great loss, our thoughts are with his family and friends and all those who have been touched by his life. Our sincerest condolences to the Mutwa family as well as everyone who has come to know; love and respect this remarkable man.

Released by the Office of the Premier
Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, Spokesperson to the Premier, 083 447 6586, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Conrad Fortune, Spokesperson to the MEC foe Sport, Arts and Culture, 079 873 0679, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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