Under 19 Cricket World Cup Welcoming Dinner

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The Northern Cape province will be hosting the Opening games for the Under 19 International Cricket World Cup from 17thJanuary till 02 February 2020 at the Diamond Oval in Kimberley and teams were welcomed to the city at a welcoming function which took place on 15thJanuary 2020 at the Flamingo Casino.
“As a Provincial Government we commit to work together with the Griqualand West Cricket Board in developing disadvantaged schools and their learners to enable them to compete on an equal footing with the rest of their counterparts and peers. You will notice the huge numbers of school children that will attend to not only enjoy the beautiful game, but also to learn from it and to cultivate the love for the game.” Premier Dr Saul remarked.
He continued to say: “We hope that all teams enjoy their stay and that they are exposed to the true hospitality and friendliness of the people of the Northern Cape.”


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