Condoleces on passing of the speaker of the ZF Mgcawu district municipality

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Today is a sad day, a black Friday, as we woke up to the tragic news of the passing of the Speaker of the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality, Ms Nokhaya Mjila. As a Province we have been silenced by the death of a leader and activist that always committed herself to the vision of building a prosperous society. She served Government and the ANC in various capacities and her diligence, sacrifice, hard work and respect for others never went unnoticed.

The late Ms Mjila started her career at the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality formerly known as the Siyanda District Municipality in the administration and she later became the Executive Mayor for a while and then in 2011 she was elected Speaker of Council where she served until her untimely passing. As we mourn the death of this seasoned and grounded leader of the ANC our prayers are that peace will prevail during this time. We also request the media to exercise restraint during this tragic passing and allow the family and friends to grieve the death of their loved one. The Provincial Government remains in contact with the family and will make available information as soon as any plans pertaining to the burial are available.

The Premier of the Northern Cape, Ms Sylvia Lucas, on behalf of the Provincial Government and the people of the Province expresses her heartfelt condolences to the family, friends, broader community as well as the ANC on the tragic passing. “As a very close personal friend, sister, colleague and confidant, the passing of Ms Mjila is very personal and sad. We pray that the Almighty God grants the family patience and strength to deal with this huge loss and we trust that forgiveness and compassion accompany them on this difficult journey they embark on. This is what Nokhaya would have wanted. This is the Nokhaya I knew, respected and loved” said Premier Lucas.

Released by the Spokesperson to the Premier

Contact: Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, 083 447 6586, 
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