Community Free WiFi Launch

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The Premier of the Northern Cape Province Ms. Sylvia Lucas in collaboration with the Vedanta Zinc International’s launched the Khai-Ma Community Wi-Fi hotspots in Pofadder on Tuesday 14 August 2018.  Six sites were identified and they are now active Wi-Fi Hotspot Zones in Khai-Ma, two in Pella, two in Aggeneys and two in Pofadder

The Vendanta Vice President of Projects, Mr Satish Kumar said that ‘‘empowering the Khai-Ma community, the free Wi-Fi services will change the way the community communicate, interact and transact with each other.  Most importantly, these services are going to be key building blocks in Khai-Ma’s digital empowerment, transcending social and economic barriers.  The benefits of having free Public Wi-Fi will be intrinsic to how everyone – young people, students, entrepreneurs, our elders – and even hospital patients - live on a day-to-day basis.’’

Premier Sylvia Lucas said that she is ecstatic to be part of this groundbreaking initiative spearheaded by Vedanta Zinc International. The Premier highlighted that this project fits in well with government’s bigger project to connect all government institutions to broadband which includes all our schools by the year 2030.

The Premier alluded to the fact that ‘‘technologies are emerging and affecting our lives in ways you cannot imagine.  It therefore becomes very important that Government, together with private stakeholders such as Vedanta join hands to bridge the digital divide by ensuring that everyone in the country has affordable access to Information Communication Technologies, particularly our people living in the rural areas.’’

She concluded by encouraging the matric class of 2018 to grab these opportunities presented to them and to fully take charge of their future so that they help to contribute positively to the development of a greater South Africa.



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