International Mandela Day

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As part of International Mandela Day, the Premier of the Northern Cape, Ms Sylvia Lucas today brought some birthday cheer to 100 elderly people from Olifantshoek and treated them to a warm lunch and blankets as a gift. The Premier thanked the old people for their contribution in ensuring that we can benefit from the fruits of democracy. She told them about the strategic significance of the day and just like Madiba who spent most of his adult life to ensure that we have a country where everyone is free; they still have a contribution to make. "You should make your voice heard and speak out against the societal ills that we are facing today, drugs and alcohol abuse by young people threaten our democracy. She went further to state that, "Young people should listen and honour the elderly, we are who we are because of them."

Celebrations were closer to home for Anna Visser who shares a birthday with the late Madiba and turned 62 today.

Ms Lucas also turned the sod for a house to be constructed for Ouma Trooi Koopman aged 104. It recently came to the attention of the Premier that this elderly woman who was previously a farmworker never owned a home. She will soon be handed the keys to her own home.

Lena Jood, who turned 100 a month ago also received a belated gift from the Premier and Lena Minies received a wheelchair which will make it easier for her to move around after she suffered a stroke.

The Premier reminded everyone that in the spirit of Mandela that was such a selfless leader and a world icon, we should strive daily to see how we can make life better for someone else. "We must find it in our hearts to make use of our hands to see how we can improve someone's life, it doesn't take much," said the Premier.

Released by the Office of the Premier
Contact person : Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, 083 447 6586

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