Commemoration of World AIDS Day

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The Northern Cape Provincial Government today commemorated World Aids day under the theme, “Towards an HIV and TB free generation: Rise, Act, Protect,”by conducting a community outreach to about 100 families living with HIV/ AIDS. This forms part of an integrated approach between Government, civil society, NGO’s and religious formations to assess whether people take up the responsibility to regularly test for HIV or TB, know where they can find a testing site, clinic or health facility and whether the services at these Government centres are adequate satisfactory. This campaign was led by the Premier, Ms. Sylvia Lucas, who together with the Provincial MECs visited the areas of Ritchie, Greenpoint, Roodepan, Galeshewe and Lerato Park.

Testing sites were available at all the areas that were visited as a means of encouraging HIV Counseling and Testing. Information leaflets on HIV/AIDS and TB as well as condoms were distributed. The families that were visited were given food parcels to ensure that their nutrition needs are also taken care of. 

It was encouraging to note that members of the community that were visited confirmed that they do take their antiretroviral medication and that they were aware of the dangers of not taking your medication whilst being HIV positive. Some had even battled with TB but have completed their course of medication and are now TB free. Ms. Lucas stated that the fact that HIV positive people who were taking their medication attested to how it is improving their lives and that antiretroviral tablets are ready available at clinics is an indication of the success of Government’s HIV programme.  

At a report back session after the household visits Ms. Lucas encouraged stakeholders and community members present that we need to show compassion and support to our people. There should be no stigma and discrimination against those living with HIV. She went further to state that, “We can only turn the situation around if we make sure that we provide people with information and proper services that can have a positive impact in our fight against HIV/AIDS and TB.” Ms. Lucas commended the caregivers on the work that they are doing because through their community service people living with HIV/AIDS are given hope that their disease is not a death sentence.

The 100 families that were visited have been adopted by Government in order to do follow ups and make sure that we can do more to address their needs. The Premier also announced the establishment of community war rooms where matters pertaining to HIV/AIDS, poverty and services of Government can constantly be addressed. 

The aim of today’s programme was to ensure that the commemoration of AIDS day does not become an event but becomes a 365 day campaign that encourages people to know their status and live healthy lifestyles.

The Premier and civil society lit candles in memory of those that have lost the battle to HIV/ AIDS but also to encourage others to get tested in order to know their status and make positive life decisions. Ms. Lucas encouraged everyone to work with Government and Civil society towards an HIV free generation.

Released by the Spokesperson to the Premier
Contact: Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, 083 447 6586, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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