Premier Saul Undertakes Outbound Mission To Singapore And Vietnam

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, is currently leading a Provincial delegation to Singapore and Vietnam from 23 April 2023 -2May 2023.  The outbound mission to both Singapore and Vietnam is on invitation from the South African Comissioner to Singapore and the South African Ambassador to Vietnam.

The Premier will be accompanied by Members from the Executive Council, senior officials from Provincial Government and a Business delegation comprising of suppliers in Pecan Nut, Raisins and Wine who will get an opportunity to participate in the Food and Beverage Asia Expo 2023. 

The outbound mission is intended to explore possible areas of cooperation with the different government agencies/ institutions and business executives on investment, trade, tourism, research and development and cultural exchange. 

The MEC for the Department of Cooperative Governance, Housing and Traditional Affairs, Mr. Bentley Vass will be the Acting Premier for the duration.


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A Modern, Growing and Succesful Province. 

Improving government’s performance through coordination, strategic leadership, and integrated planning and monitoring and evaluation.

