Programme Director
Members of the Executive Council
Mayors and Councilors
Members of Civil society
Members of the Media
Ladies and Gentlemen
This year marks the 36th annual International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, a day when countries the world over stand together in solidarity, and reflect on the progress we are making in the fight against HIV and its impact on individuals, families and communities. Our gathering here today, albeit later than the 19th May, joins us with the global community to remember the friends and family we lost and raise awareness with this year’s theme, “Intensifying the fight for Health and Rights.” The fight against HIV/ AIDS requires a collective effort from all of us because the disease knows no age, race, colour, gender and creed.
HIV/AIDS remains one of the world's most pressing public health challenges, particularly in low- and middle-income countries that include South Africa. Today especially then calls on us to serious introspect and to once again recommit ourselves to safe and responsible sexual practices.
This day also serves as a crucial reminder of those who lost the fight to this pandemic. We are mindful of the devastation HIV/Aids has caused in not only our Country, but right throughout the world. And it affects every one of us, either directly or indirectly.
Though it may look bleak- I am confident that governments throughout the world have made tremendous strides in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS and I can assure you that South Africa remains resolute in our fight to improve the lives of those affected.
Dames en Here, die bestryding van HIV/VIGS kom nou al dekades aan. Geen person kan vandag ontken dat dit nie werklik en so ook ‘n dodelike siekte is nie. Maar dit is nie als verlore nie. Met verantwoordelike gesondheidsgewoontes en ‘n eerlike wil kan mense baie lang, gesonde en produktiewe lewens lei.
Ons is dit verskuldig aan ons kinders en ons naastes om die siekte toestand te beveg en ook om aktiviste te word in ons stryd om te oorwin. Met ons daaglikse interaksie met gemeenskappe kan ons die verskriklike nagevolge van die siekte sien. Gesinne word uitmekaar geskeur en kinders word wees gelaat om as kinders grootmense te word en hul boeties en sussies te moet versorg. Boonop moet hierdie onskuldige kinders met die stigma saamleef en in ons gemeenskappe verwerp word. Dit is die bose kringloop wat hierdie siekte veroorsaak. En dit is genadeloos en ook so onregverdig.
Ladies and Gentlemen, fortunately as Government and stakeholders in the HIV sector we are working tirelessly to tackle this pandemic head-on and find ways to ease the suffering. Today we are grateful that many scientific advances have been made in HIV treatment, but despite these advances, stigma and discrimination remain a reality for many people living with or affected by HIV.
The strides that we have made in the fight against HIV and AIDS cannot be diluted by stigma and discrimination. We all need to take the bold step and break the stigma and discrimination and get yourself tested so that you can start living positively. It is unfortunately the case that it is unheard of in some of our homes and communities to speak about HIV/AIDS and the precautions that one has to exercise in order to prevent it.
I want to say to these parents that in order for us to overcome this pandemic we cannot settle for soft, safe responses. We will never achieve an AIDS-free generation unless we acknowledge that young people have the right to accurate and complete sexual health information and we need to ensure that all young people are provided with the tools they need to safeguard their sexual and reproductive health.
Die verspreidng van HIV, is in meeste gevalle ‘n direkte resultaat van die roekelose leefwyse van veral ons jongmense. Dit het tyd geword dat ons beheer oor ons eie lewens neem en verantwoordelikheid vat vir die morele herlewing van ons gemeenskape. Van die Kant van die Regering en burgerlike organisasies sal ons ook ons rol speel om seker te maak dat die nodige ondersteunings programme in plek is om aan te vul wat U daar gestel het. Dissipline en ‘n goeie voorbeeld is ‘n sterk begin punt tot ons morele herlewing.
Ladies and Gentlemen, as we partner to fight this scourge, we need to support Government campaigns such as the HIV Counseling and Testing Campaign and the Medical Male Circumcision Programme. As Provincial Government we find it inspiring that the Provincial HIV prevalence rate has reduced significantly over the years; showing signs of stabilization. Encouraging is the fact that the province has one of the lowest HIV prevalence rate in the country. The Province has also strengthened prevention programmes which resulted in reduction in the HIV positivity rate among 15 – 49 years, from 7.5% in 2012/13 to 4.0% in the last financial year.
Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the greatest challenges facing Government is ensuring that health services are brought within reach of all people, including communities in rural areas. As a result we are making concerted efforts to increase the number of hospitals, clinics and health centres, with a special focus on rural areas. As a provincial government we recognise that good health is critical in enhancing human development and facilitating the process of economic growth and development. The provision of healthcare in the Northern Cape is therefore a top priority and therefore together with Education, these two sectors are often allocated the bulk of the provincial budget. This is done so that healthcare can be accessed by especially our poor and uninsured communities who would be left destitute without these services. The sad reality however is that even though we invest most of the provincial budget in health, it is still not enough to ensure that everyone in every corner can access health services at their doorstep as and when it is required.
As this ANC-led Government we will however continuously strive to achieve the goals that the Freedom Charter set for us and that were further institutionalised in the economic rights spelt out in the Constitution of our country. We will therefore also seek out partnerships to assist us in making available modern health facilities in especially rural areas to make it possible for us to meet these goals.
I would like to make a plea once again to the young people- the generation of tomorrow- to be responsible in the choices they make. You are the tomorrow we look to. The prosperous South Africa we seek to achieve. If we are to achieve the vision of a modern, growing and successful province we will need our young people to be healthy, educated and economically active. Not sexually active at a young age- but actively improving your lives and that of the community you live in.
My plea is that you remain in school and that you avoid the pitfalls of peer pressure. Pressure such as substance abuse, irresponsible consumption of alcohol and reckless sexual practices robs our young people of that prosperous and successful tomorrow that belongs to them. If at all you feel that you cannot abstain then the next logical thing to do is to be responsible and make sure that you or your partner is properly protected against any sexual transmitted diseases and prevent the risk of contracting HIV.
As I conclude, I wish to express my gratitude to everyone who made the effort today to empower people that the only way to live positivley is to speak openly and honestly about our experiences. Let us in this spirit guard the gains made by our democracy and unite to fight the scourge of HIV/ AIDS and improve the quality of life of all our people. As we join hands let us deepen and strengthen our response and seek innovative ways to sustain our interventions over the short, medium and long-term.
All our efforts, however small, contribute to the global vision of an AIDS-free world. This vision is attainable; let us continue to strive towards it.
Be safe, be responsible and never stop advocating for a HIV free generation.
Thank you