Toespraak van die Premier van die Noordkaap, Me Sylvia Lucas tydens die Oorhandiging van Huise in Groblershoop, 23 November 2013 om 10:00
Program Direkteur
Agbare Raadslede
Uitgenooide Gaste
Die Gemeenskap van Groblershoop
Dames en Here
Dit is ‘n groot plesier vir almal van ons om vandag hier te vergader om die oorhandiging van hierdie pragtige huise aan ons mense te vier. Ons is baie trots en dankbaar vir hierdie betekenisvolle ontwikkeling wat ons mense se lewens verewig sal verbeter.
Met hierdie oorhandiging streef ons na die drome en aspirasies van voormalige President Nelson Mandela om toe te sien dat almal in ordentlike huise woon, terwyl ons voortgaan om die basiese menslike behoeftes aan te spreek.
Hierdie geleentheid bevestig weereens ons vasberadenheid om ‘n groot verskil te maak in die lewensomstadighede van al ons mense. Ons mense verdien beter en die beste.
Program Direkteur, hierdie regering is toegewy om noodsaaklike dienste soos water, sanitasie, paaie, gesondheid, opvoeding en behuising aan al ons mense te verskaf en so wel hulle menswaardigheid te restoreer en bevorder.
As die ANC regering het ons ons self toegewy om alle probleme aan te spreek wat ons mense ondervind veral in die plaaslike gebiede.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Handing Over of these houses marks a milestone development in the lives of the residents who have lived through it all – the hardships of a lack of proper shelter, the brunt of neglect and poverty and finally the benefits of a much better product. I am certain that these houses will usher in a better and more comfortable standard of living for the recipients of these houses.
The Provincial Government is committed to the delivery of quality human settlements. We want to make sure that we use public resources in the best possible way to ensure that our people receive the best service from government.
It is our Government’s conviction that every individual in South Africa has the right to adequate housing without discrimination.
And by adequate housing, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to emphasize that this Government is not merely speaking to simply having a roof over one’s head; but rather to housing with access to potable water, electricity, sanitation and other integrated development projects such as recreational facilities, libraries, and so forth.
Our work as government is ensuring that we get rid of slums and provide our people with houses of good quality that are built close to transport routes, schools, clinics and other social amenities.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have no doubt in my mind that the benefits that these houses bring will ensure that you no longer have to brave the scorching heat, endure the cold winter nights and wet rainy seasons in a shack.
What we are doing here today symbolises, powerfully, what our people meant when they declared in the Freedom Charter that: “There shall be Houses, Security and Comfort!” All people shall have the right to live where they choose, be decently housed, and to bring up their families in comfort and security.
Ladies and Gentlemen, our National Housing Programme is not just about building houses but also about transforming our Cities and Towns and building cohesive and non-racial communities. The generation of our time carries an immense burden, not only to correct the imbalances and distortions of the past, but also to cement the foundation that will provide a secure and a brighter future for all. Not only must we have the necessary conscience to undertake this task, but we must also be prepared to expend the necessary resources for this.
Without decent and affordable housing, families may encounter difficulties in managing their daily lives which often negatively impacts their children’s safety, health and development.
I want to assure you, Ladies and Gentlemen, that this Government will continue to work tirelessly to prevent this cycle of hardship among our citizens.
Today, you will now join the proud category of homeowners and along with that comes the responsibility of homeownership.
I encourage you to take your new responsibility seriously. Maintain your environment and work towards the building of a safe, peaceful and thriving community in Groblershoop.
May you find joy and contentment in your new surroundings.
May God Bless you and your family and May God continue to richly Bless our Province Nation.
Take good care of these houses.
Together we can do more to deal with these challenges and bring about faster change. As the ANC-led government and with the support of all South Africans, we are indeed taking our country forward.
I Thank You