Ambassadors breakfast

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Remarks by the Honourable Premier of the Northern Cape, Mrs Hazel Jenkins, on the occasion of the Breakfast Meeting with Ambassadors, on 10 December 2011 in Kimberley

Programme Director
MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, John Block
Our Esteemed Goodwill Ambassadors
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my capacity as Premier of the Northern Cape Province, it gives me great pleasure indeed to offer a special word of welcome to our group of Goodwill ambassadors, who are joining us here this morning. I am sure that most of them need no introduction and we are delighted that they are all back home – even if it’s only for the weekend.

When we initially conceptualised the Goodwill Ambassador programme, we considered what the most distinctive resource of the Northern Cape is – and realise that it is undoubtedly our people. Then we turned our attention to locally born individuals, who have made their mark in various aspects of social life, and started pondering how we can use their influential public profiles to grow and develop this amazing province.

Once we started approaching leading celebrities in the entertainment industry, prominent entrepreneurs and business people and sport stars, we were immensely pleased with their immediate response. These individuals, or our “Northern Cape Diamonds”, have heeded the call to form a vibrant public-private partnership with the Northern Cape government.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this group of people are committing their time, expertise, immense experience in their various fields, as well as their enormous goodwill to ensure a better future for the people of the Northern Cape. For this commitment, I would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to each and every one of them.

The people-centred, caring society we are building, where African values of sharing and co-operation are paramount, is dependent on your selfless contribution to the well-being and happiness of others.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this week heralds an extension of our initial negotiations and will hopefully see some concrete plans for the way forward. I can only dare imagine what the sharp business brains and immense sporting and creative talent of this group can bring to the table and the inspiration they can offer, especially to the youth of the Northern-Cape not only in terms of economic development, but also social and sport development.

Programme Director, I believe that the Northern Cape is close to the hearts of each and every one of the Goodwill Ambassadors and that they will continue to plough back into the communities, where they once started. Our former President, Nelson Mandela, once stated that “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great, you can be that generation….”

To all the Goodwill Ambassadors:

We salute you for your laudable efforts, the time and the resources that you are dedicating for the upliftment and improvement of all our communities .

I thank you.

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