Release of the Northern Cape Provincial Crime Statistics

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The Northern Cape Premier’s Office hosted the presentation of the 2017/2018 Crime Statistics Report on 15th October 2018.

Captain Woodbridge from SAPS presented the report on the annual crime statistics which show a general decrease in crimes across the province except for cases such as contact sexual offences where bestiality increased. The Premier of the Northern Cape, Ms Sylvia Lucas, noted with pride that the Minister of Police still names the Northern Cape as the safest province to reside in. We need to observe that many instances reported of social fibre crimes are of community members against each other and not necessarily by strangers. It is important to realise that statistics are a representative median of less crime-ridden areas and most crime –ridden areas and an average is drawn from there. It is vital to look at the broader picture because they are not a representation of isolated cities’ totals. 

Lieutenant General Shivuri made all who were present aware that the police have intensified their efforts in combating crime and hence we see the trend of a decrease. The increase in crimes detected by police presence shows that our SAPS members are increasing visibility. SAPS has started to focus on a “Roadmap to 2019 National Elections” campaign where police will intensify their efforts to combat politically motivated crimes and keep our communities safe during the elections period. The “Junior Commissioner” programme focuses on eighteen to thirty-five year olds with an aim of curbing crimes against the youth while the “Youth on Business” program will promote entrepreneurial spirit amongst those unemployed in our society.

The Lieutenant General noted that it is always important for SAPS to work with Community Policing Forums to identify youth for training as reservists and for those over the age of thirty-five to be referred to the Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison for training as street patrol agents.  
In conclusion, Premier Lucas commended the South African Police Service for the decrease shown in business related crimes because this shows the situation is not stagnant. There is a decrease in most crimes which have been a concern and although this is good news, we can only be fully satisfied when we can guarantee the complete safety of our communities. Those harbouring criminals are hampering the efforts of our men and women in uniform in creating a safer society for all.

The trust between SAPS and members of society needs to be strengthened so that when one sees the blue uniform, they may be confident and know that they are safe.  


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