Complaints Procedure

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If the promised standard of service is not delivered, we will offer you an apology, a full explanation and a speedy and effective remedy.  When you make a complaint you will receive a sympathetic and positive response.

Informal Complaint

You are advised to bring your complaint to the attention of the official concerned and ask him or her to resolve the problem immediately.  If you do not receive any satisfaction from this, below is a formal procedure to be followed.

Formal Procedure

Level 1:  Unit Head

  1. Get the details of the Head/Supervisor of the unit to register your complaint.
  2. You can either lodge you complaint verbally or in writing.  Verbal complaints can be lodged on one or telephonically by dialling (053) 8382600.  Written complaints are more advisable and can be forwarded to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (email  address) / via suggestion boxes found in strategic points per unit or departmental on the ground floor JW Sauer Building
  3. Please provide full details of the complaint
  4. Provide all details that would assist when we have to contact you.  This is necessary for  follow up investigations and reporting purposes.
  5. The standard for resolving complaints in thirty days (30), we will acknowledge your query within 5 days, investigate and inform you of progress in ten days.

If you are not satisfied with the response on your complaints by the Unit Head you can resort to higher authorities for possible redress.

Level 2:  Head of the Department

  1. Address your complaint to the Head of Department, requesting a review of the decision of the Unit Head
  2. Lodge your complaint in writing; and
  3. Follow steps (c) to (e) above

Complaints Administration

  1. Head of Department will ensure that the complaints procedure, more so the time-frames are strictly, adhered to.
  2. Each Unit Head will be responsible for:
    • Ensuring that all complaints are dealt with as per the complaints procedure;
    • That staff are made aware of the complaints mechanism;
    • Complaints via suggestion boxes/ emails are checked as a minimum on day 1 and day 3 of the working week
    • That the time-frames in response to the complaint (s) are dealt with timeously
  3. A complaints register is maintained by nominating a designated support official.  The designated support official will:
    • Will record the complaint that indicates the date, summary of complaint, responsible persons;
    • Access the suggestion boxes/complaint emails (if such delegations are in place)
    • Maintain records of all lodged complaints.
  4. Officials are responsible for:
    • Comply with the set time-frames when addressing complaints;
    • Make clients aware of the complaints mechanisms available within the Office of the Premier
  5. Any disputes arising from the above should be directed to the Head of Department

The Department undertakes the following:

  1. To acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days from the date of receipt;
  2. To attach the necessary level of confidentiality to  your complaint;
  3. Investigate the complaint thoroughly;
  4. Provide an approximation of how long it will take to resolve the complaint;
  5. To extend the necessary apology;
  6. Explain fully the actions of our officials, and
  7. Initiate a speedy and effective remedy

The following might be useful in dealing with a complaint

  1. Your name and contact details
  2. The domain (s) concerned
  3. Steps you would like to see taken

You have an option of raising your complaints with the Premier.  We, however appeal to you to first utilize the process outlined above.  It is our aim to ensure a sympathetic remedy to any mistakes that might have been committed in the line of our duty.

Please direct your complaints/concerns to :
The Director General
Office of the Premier
Private Bag X5016
(053) 8382600 Or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Northern Cape Office of the Premier
Physical address of Head Office
T&I Building
69 Memorial Road
Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

Contact Telephone Numbers
053 030 0800

Email Addresses


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Improving government’s performance through coordination, strategic leadership, and integrated planning and monitoring and evaluation.

