Joint Media Statement by Premier Sylvia Lucas and MEC Alvin Botes on Lorato Park Housing Development Project.

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The Lorato Park Housing Development Project is a catalytical project intended to transform the current sprawling informal settlement into a quality integrated development. The ultimate vision for the project is to transform informal settlement to be a mixed income housing development of some 4 651 housing units; consisting out of a combination of subsidised, bonded and institutional housing units, which, in combination with social amenities and provision for commercial opportunities, will form an integrated living space. 

The Project is devised in line with Government’s Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Sustainable Human Settlement (Comprehensive Plan) of 2004 and seeks to facilitate the creation of a dignified suburb that could achieve sustainable development outcomes for the community as a whole. The project is structured in terms of the Integrated Residential Development Programme (IRDP) as set out in the National Housing Code 2009.

The Lorato Park Housing Development Project was envisaged, planned and approved as an Integrated Residential Development Programme (“IRDP”) project. In essence the Project aims to achieve a feasible inclusionary development approach that provides for the integration of:

  • Higher level of services than typical of subsidized townships
  • Mixed income residential environment;
  • Rich choice of housing modalities; 
  • Various tenure options; 
  • Quality built environment; 
  • Economic opportunities and job creation;
  • Provision of full range of transport and social facilities; and
  • Delivered in one seamless development process.


The following infrastructure has been completed in Phase 1 of Lerato Park: 

  • The internal civil- and electrical infrastructure for 491 subsidized houses and 192 bonded stand were installed in Phase 1 of Lerato Park.
  • 491 Subsidized housing units consisting of 223 free standing houses, 127 semi-detached houses and 141 row houses were constructed.

Progress for the installation/construction of the civil engineering services for Phase 2 of Lerato Park is 100% complete.

Construction of the Community Rental Units (“CRUs”) in Lerato Park:  Overall progress for all CRUs on all three sites:

  • Overall progress for CRUs on Site 1 – 27.5% 
  • Overall progress for CRUs on Site 2 – 43%
  • Overall progress for CRUs on Site 3 – 28%

MVD Kalahari Town Planners has been appointed for the following that they are currently busy with Phase 2 of Lerato Park which includes the consolidation and subdivision of the subsidised row housing stands to be converted to subsidised free standing stands. 

The following contractors have been appointed for the construction of the free standing subsidised houses in Phase 2 of Lerato Park:  

  •  Lesae Trading for the construction of 35 houses – The contract commencement date is 17 November 2015 and the expected contract completion date is 31 March 2016; 
  • Mzini Construction for the construction of 65 houses - The contract commencement date is 26 November 2015 and the expected contract completion date is 30 April 2016; and 
  •  Barzani Construction for the construction of approximately 325 houses - The expected contract commencement date is 11 January 2016 and the expected contract completion date is 30 September 2016

Revised timeline for the construction of the Community Residential Units (“CRUs”) in Lerato Park

The appointed Business Rescue Practitioner of Cross Boarder Development Consultants (PTY) Ltd confirmed on 26 November 2015 the following with reference to the completion of the construction of the CRUs in Lerato Park: 

  •  The CRU Sites 1 & 3 will be completed for handover on 24 May 2016; 
  • The CRU Site 2 will be completed for handover on 27 May 2016; 
  • The first buildings on Sites 1 & 3 will be ready for practical completion on 05 April 2016; and 
  • The first building on Site 2 will be ready for practical completion on 27 April 2016

The handover of the cheque to Sol Plaatjie Municipality for 100 Breaking New Ground Houses in Phase 2 is correlated to the significance of the 16 Days of No violence against women and children. In line with our fight against violence against women and children,  the beneficiary list for the 100 BNG in Lerato Park has women composition of close  to  80% . Women and Children remain vulnerable in our society and it is through concerted efforts of not only Government but the entire society to speak out and take action against perpetrators of heinous acts. 

Media Enquiries: Xhanti Teki 060 544 5323
Media Liaison Officer 




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