Presidential Imbizo

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The President, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, together with the Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul, various Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and Members of the Executive Council addressed the 5th installment of the District Development Model (DDM)Presidential Imbizo held in Upington, in the ZFM District Municipality.

The DDM Presidential Imbizo is a critical public participation platform that ensures the voices of communities are heard. Community members, from all four Sub-districts in the District, together with different stakeholders, which included Traditional leaders, Religious leaders, NGO's and small business owners were in attendance and raised several issues relating to water, schools for disabled learners, unemployment, and housing amongst many others.

The President, together with his delegation responded to issues raised by community members, outlining plans as well as programmes currently underway.

Through the DDM process as well as working together with communities, we can bring development to communities.


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