Easter message by the Premier, Ms Sylvia Lucas

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The Easter weekend is upon us and travelers from the Province as well as outside the Province will be embarking on long journeys to their respective destinations.  The number of road accidents in our country and the resultant injuries and fatalities continue to be matters of grave concern for the Northern Cape Provincial Administration. We therefore call on all road users, including pedestrians, to listen and respond to all the important messages communicated through the Arrive Alive Campaign as well as remembering to be considerate and kind to your fellow road users.

Similarly, we must continue to act in unity to combat crime, and thus further improve the safety and security of our people and the visitors to our Province.

Easter is one of the most important holidays in the Christian calendar. Let us therefore be mindful of the true meaning of Easter and not only be thankful and rejoice in what we have but also wish the same blessings to others. May you all have a safe and blessed Easter.

Northern Cape Office of the Premier
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69 Memorial Road
Monuments Heights
Private Bag x5016

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