Speech by the Premier, Dr Zamani Saul, at the opening of the Steynville Primary School, Steynville - Hopetown

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Programme Director
Members of the Executive Council
Mayor and Councillors
Senior Management of the Department present;
Principals, Educators and Learners
Members of the media
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

Dit is vir my ‘n riem onder die hart om vandag saam met die leerders en onderwysers van hierdie skool te wees. Ek kan my net indink hoe trots julle moet wees om nou hierdie pragtige nuwe skool te benut, want dit gee my sommer ‘n warm gevoel om by so ‘n merkwaardige en mooi skool te wees.

As Regering was dit nog altyd ons historiese doelwit om 'n beter lewe vir ons mense te bring en dus is onderwys hoog op die agenda van hierdie administrasie. Hoofstuk 9 van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan (NOP) lui dat; “Onderwys die belangrikste belegging is wat enige land in sy mense kan maak. Onderwys het basiese en instrumentele waarde in die skepping van samelewings wat beter in staat is om op die uitdagings van die 21ste eeu te reageer. ”

As we gather here this morning as leaders whether in politics, education, society or otherwise we should be encouraged and indeed hopeful, that the opening or handing over of a school to the community is an indication of our government’s resolve in eradicating poverty and a dawn of a brighter future for our country.

I stand before you today both as a political principal and a citizen of the province and this country to say to all of you, there is hope for a better and brighter future. This Government is determined to do all it takes to ensure that the systemic imbalances of the past are redressed in entirety.

Dames en Here, dit word algemeen aanvaar dat onderwys die hoeksteen van enige groeiende ekonomie is en as gevolg daarvan sal ons aanhou om in dit belê. Dit is juis daarom dat ons verseker dat ons hulpbronne op 'n verantwoordelike en effektiewe manier aanwend om basiese onderwysbeginsels te lewer. Hierdie grondbeginsels sluit onder andere die volgende in:

  • Universele toegang tot onderwysgeleenthede aan alle leerders te bied;
  • Verbetering van infrastruktuur;
  • Die verdeling van hulpbronne om gelykheid te bewerkstellig;
  • Gratis onderwys aan leerders uit arm huishoudings deur middel van fooi-vrystelling en die geen-fooi beleid;
  • Voorsiening van Inligting- en Kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) fasiliteite;
  • Voorsiening van voedingsprogram sowel as dit uit brei na alle behoeftige en behoeftige gemeenskappe;
  • Voorsien geriewe vir sport, skoolgesondheid, kuns en kultuur en
  • Voorsien fasiliteite vir onderwysers, skoolhoofde, administratiewe personeel ens.

Programme Director

As a government and through the Northern Cape Department of Education we have already translated these fundamentals as enshrined in these documents into a reality. We are also conscious of the plight of our indigent communities that continues to pose as an impediment to the attainment of these fundamental rights.

Die konstruksie van die Steynville Primêre Skool, is dus die Regering se manier om te belê in die toekoms van ons kinders deur ‘n omgewing te skep vir kwaliteit onderrig. As ons kinders kan leer om te lees en skryf, bou ons aan ‘n beter lewe vir almal. Hul talente, vaardighede en die vermoë om krities te dink sal ons leerders help om hul drome en hul aspirasies te bereik.

This modern school, a great improvement on the old school that lacked the proper infrastructure and size is equipped with the following facilities:

  • Large Administration Block
  • School Hall
  • Nutrition Centre
  • Media Centre
  • Computer Centre
  • 2x Laboratories
  • 25x Classrooms
  • Double ECD Centre
  • 2x Large Ablution Blocks
  • Sports field

The construction of this new school also brought about opportunities for local jobs and local businesses in Hopetown. Local beneficiation is of paramount importance when infrastructure projects such as these are prioritised. This is how we will ensure that we address poverty, unemployment and inequality in our communities.

Let me take this opportunity to urge the communities, educators and learners to guard and protect this new school from any form of vandalism or theft. We need to ensure that this school remains intact for generations to come.

Indeed through these initiatives we have showcased our unwavering commitment to ensure that the doors of learning are open and the Northern Cape remains alive with endless possibilities. In this Province we are all one big team, striving for the same goal for the future of our children.

As I conclude I want to remind all of us that this is where we prepare our children for success and it requires our collective support. A bright and promising future awaits the people of Hopetown. It starts today, here at the Steynville Primary School.

Our vision of a modern, growing and successful Province can certainly be achieved through Education. If we stand together and collectively contribute towards future of our children, prosperity will flourish in the Northern Cape Province.

Daarmee gesê wil ek nou aan u die gemeenskap van Hopetown namens die Regering hierdie nuutgeboude skool oorhandig. Laat hierdie skool dien as ‘n toonbeeld van vooruitgang en laat ons dit soos goud oppas, bewaar en gebruik ten goede van ons gemeenskap.

Ek dank u.

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