Outbound Mission To Singapore

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Today the Premier, Dr Zamani Saul, accompanied by the High Commissioner to Singapore Her Excellency,Madiepetsane Charlotte Lobe, MEC’s and senior government officials held engagements with the Institute of Technical Education(ITE). 

The main aim of the engagement was to showcase linkages between skills development with industry needs for the benefit of youth development and economic growth. It became apparent that there are great opportunities for collaboration between the Province and the ITE as a means of driving skills development programmes for young people to get them into gainful employment and growing the economy of the Province. 

The delegation also visited the Port of Singapore Authority, that has a global footprint and  focusses in the main on the efficiency of cargo movements for the Singapore market. The experience gained from this visit will positively contribute to the much anticipated Port Development within the Province that is aimed at enhancing the efficiency of freight movements in South Africa. 

The day concluded with a visit to the Singapore Business Federation aimed at strengthening trade and investment. The Federation is similar to the Northern Cape Economic Development Agency (NCEDA) and plans are afoot to forge stronger cooperation and trade relations.



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