Response By The Northern Cape Premier, Dr Zamani Saul On The Unfolded Allegations Made By Dr Allan Boesak

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, has noted with grave concern the unfounded allegations and desperate lies made by Dr Allan Boesak during his visit to the former Chairperson of the ANC, Comrade John Block. 

The Premier, has visited comrade John Block on several occasions and never made that a political issue. It is a blatant lie by Dr Boesak that there was a request by the Premier and the President, His Excellency Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, to visit comrade John Block that he rejected. Comrade John Block is serving his time with humility and utmost dignity and should not be dragged into political games that stem from political desperation and opportunism that lead comrades to irrational behaviour and fabrication of lies.

Issued by the Office of the Premier
18 October 2022


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