Premier Zamani Saul Appoints Ms Lorato Venus Blennies as the New Member of the Executive Council for Youth,Women, Disability, Communication and E-Government.

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Lorato Venus Blennies as the MEC for Youth, Women, Disability, Communications and E-Government in the Office of the Premier.

During his inaugural address, Premier Saul outlined in detail the vision of the Sixth Administration as being the building of a Modern, Growing and Successful Province. Greater emphasis was placed on the development and empowerment of the youth, women, children and people living with disabilities as well as the modernisation of service delivery and improved service standards.

For these programmes to find meaningful expression in the Provincial Administration, a decision was taken to establish an additional ministry whose core focus will be the responsibilities outlined above. This Ministry will assist in fulfilling these obligations and ensure that there is a sustained and dedicated drive towards prioritising these sectors.

The main responsibility of this Ministry's E-Government mandate is to oversee the establishment of a network infrastructure that would link government buildings, primarily including schools and hospitals. It will work to construct an e-governance structure to direct priorities, policies, standards, and regulations as well as an enabling platform and support service allowing the Northern Cape Provincial Government Departments to deliver e-government services. It will also encourage public and private partnerships for the creation and introduction of e-government services, which will help to stimulate the ICT economy.

The Premier, supported by the Executive Council is convinced that the MEC together with a dedicated team will ensure that the services under her portfolio will be enhanced and meet the desired results. Dr Saul is confident that with the support of his colleagues in the Executive, the Legislature and in the Provincial Administration that the agenda of youth, women and children, communication as well as E-Government will remain a priority for our Province.

Premier Saul on behalf of the Provincial Administration extends his well wishes to Ms Blennies and has full confidence that this Ministry will enhance the growth and development trajectory of our Province.

Ms Blennies will be officially sworn in today, 26 October 2022 at 18h00 at the Offices of the Northern Cape Judge President and will thereafter assume her duties.


Media Enquiries

Ms. Bronwyn Thomas- Abrahams, Spokesperson to the Premier, 083 447 6586, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." ' + path + '\'' + prefix + ':' + addy25211 + '\' style="transition: color 400ms ease 0s, background-color 400ms ease 0s; text-decoration-line: none;">'+addy_text25211+'<\/a>'; //-->

Issued by the Northern Cape Provincial Government
26 October 2022


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A Modern, Growing and Succesful Province. 

Improving government’s performance through coordination, strategic leadership, and integrated planning and monitoring and evaluation.

