Premier Dr Zamani Saul Hands Over Fleet of Over R12 Million to Traffic Officials During Launch of Road Safety Campaign

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In order to curb the carnage on the roads during this busy period, the Premier Dr Zamani Saul together with the MEC responsible for Transport Safety and Liaison Ms Nomandla Bloem today handed over  twenty five (25) VW GTi`s @  R 415 000 each and Five (5) Isuzu Double Cabs @ R 369 000 each. 

The value of this resource allocation amounts to R12,3 million to the Provincial Traffic Department. These vehicles which will be used across the Province seek to ensure that we reinforce our approach towards our law enforcement operations. 

Premier, in addressing the law enforcement agencies urged them to use these resources with integrity and great responsibility.  He cautioned against corruption on our roads, and emphasized the fact that no matter how small, corruption will not be tolerated. The Provincial Administration is determined to deal with all forms of corruption decisively. 

For the 2019/2020 festive period we had 47 fatalities in the Province, the highest thus far, with the highest recorded speed infringement being 173 km/h on the N1 Richmond. We remian committed as Provincial Government, to as far as possible, ensure that we decrease the number of fatalities on our roads, as such we urge you to travel during the daytime and we call on everyone who will be using our roads, to be patient on the roads, do not drink and drive and remain on high alert. 



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