Condelences on Passing of Mr Kagisho David Molusi

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Provincial Government, wishes to express our sadness on the passing of Mr Kagisho David Molusi. At this hour of great loss, our thoughts are with his family and friends and all those who have been touched by his life.

The late Mr Kagisho Molusi served Government in various capacities as a former Member of the Provincial Legislature, former Member of the Executive Council and former Executive Mayor of the Sol Plaatje Municipality. His diligence, sacrifice, hard work and respect for others never went unnoticed.

Dr Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Provincial Government and the people of the Province expresses his heartfelt condolences to the Molusi family, friends and broader community on the passing of Mr Kagisho Molusi; a remarkable man, who attributed his life to the vision of building a prosperous society.

Released by the Office of the Premier

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