Premier Sylvia Lucas Condems Killing of Six Year Old

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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Ms Sylvia Lucas, expressed her shock and dismay at the callous attack on Segomotso Garesape and her son, which resulted in the murder of her six year old Kutlwano Garesape. This senseless and insensitive attack comes during a month when we actively advocate for the rights of women. There can be no justifiable reason or explanation for one person to inflict so much pain and suffering on an innocent child.

Kutlwano had his whole life ahead of him and one merciless act destroyed the life of a child, that of his parents and the community at large.  More disturbing is the fact that this innocent boy was on his way to school to obtain an education. The community of Jan Kempdorp and the Northern Cape has been deprived of a future leader and we thus call on all communities to always stand up and protect the wellbeing of our children. This senseless act cannot and will not be tolerated.

Ms Lucas on behalf of the Northern Cape Provincial Government expresses her heartfelt condolences to the family, friends and community at large and calls on especially men to defend and uphold the rights of our women and children. The Premier has full confidence that the law enforcement will deal with the matter in the appropriate manner and with the urgency it deserves.

Released by the Spokesperson to the Premier
Ms Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 084 447 6586

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