International Mandela day

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As part of International Mandela Day, the Premier of the Northern Cape, Ms Sylvia Lucas, will be treating 100 elderly from Olifantshoek to lunch in order to pay tribute to the sacrifice and contribution that the elderly have made for us to have a democracy today. The commemoration will continue with a sod turning that will mark the construction of a house for a 104 year old grandmother,who never owned a house. The celebrations will start at 11h00 at a community church in Dithlong, Olifantshoek.

Across the Province Members of the Executive Council will also be conducting their 67 minutes of humanitarian duty to pay tribute to the life of an icon. These programmes will continue for the rest of the month as part of the Mandela month activities. See atrached programme.

Members of the media are invited to form part of these programmes.

Released by the Spokesperson to the Premier
Contact person: Ms Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell: 083 447 6586

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