Thusong Service Centres - Overview


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Thusong Service Centres Programme was initiated in 1999 as a vehicle to integrate and deliver government services to rural communities. Outcome 6, “An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network” with sub-outcome 5: “Expansion, modernisation, access and affordability of our Information and communications infrastructure ensured” emanation from the National Development Plan and Medium Term Strategic Framework, is government’s drive towards addressing issues around access. Furthermore, this sub-outcome clarifies the roles, stating that “While the private sector will invest in ICT infrastructure for urban and corporate networks, government will co-invest for township and rural access, as well as for e-government, school and health connectivity”. The overall goal of the programme is to provide every South African citizen with access to information and services within 5 minutes of their place of residence.


The Northern Cape currently has 5 Thusong Service Centres covering over 4 of the 5 Districts. Three of the centres are owned and managed by the Office of the Premier and two by municipalities, these are as follows:

Centres with Ownership and Management residing with the Office of the Premier:

  1. Manne Dipico Thusong Service Centre in Roodepan, Kimberley. 
    All costs are carried by Office of the Premier, i.e. telephone, fax, copier, municipal account, Centre Manager and Admin Clerk and their computing equipment.
  2. Tlhokomelo Thusong Service Centre in Galeshewe, Kimberley: 
    All costs, excluding the municipal account is carried by Office of the Premier, i.e. telephone, fax, copier, cleaning material, Centre Manager and Admin clerk and their computing equipment. 
  3. Guinness Thusong Service Centre in Colesberg:
    All costs are carried by Office of the Premier, i.e. telephone, fax, copier, municipal account, Centre Manager and Admin clerk and their computing equipment.

Centres with Ownership and Management residing with a Municipality:

  1. Kgomotsego Thusong Service Centre in Van Zylsrus:
    Office of the Premier sharing costs regarding telephone account, fax and copier machines supplying cleaning material and providing some computers. OTP carries the cost of the cleaner.
  2. Augrabies Thusong Service Centre in Augrabies:
    Office of the Premier sharing costs regarding telephone account, fax and copier machines supplying cleaning material and providing some computers. OTP carries the cost of the cleaner.

Four of the five Thusong Service Centres has Telecentres, implemented by the Universal Service Access Agency of South Africa (USAASA), also, the Thusong Service Centre programme is doing exactly what it has been established for, that is:

  1. The respective service providers provide National, Provincial and Local Government as well as Non-Governmental Organisations services to the communities.
  2. All the centres have internet connectivity and telephone systems in place.
  3. All stakeholders strive to deliver better services at the centres.
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  Thusong Services Centres



Contact Details
Mr Riaan van Schalkwyk
Thusong Service Centre Manager
053 838 2718
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