Name: Mr Virgil Fredericks
Tel:053 838 2447
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Human Resource Administration:
It is responsible to manage all HR information and it is tasked with developing transversal HR policies and advising departments on HR compliance. It manages and coordinates Human Resource Administration functions provincially and in the Office of the Premier.
To provide strategic leadership through integrated coordination of human resource administration practices and policies towards a capable, ethical and developmental provincial administration.
- The provisioning of recruitment and appointment services
- Internal functions
- Manage the recruitment and appointment process within the Office of the Premier
- Facilitate transfers in and out the Office of the Premier
- Facilitate the relocation of officials
- External functions
- Manage the recruitment and appointment process of Heads of Departments
- Manage the period to fill vacant post within Provincial Departments
- Manage the Vacancy Rate of Provincial Departments
- Facilitate the development of Provincial Human Resource Administration Policies
- Manage the implementation and compliance of the PSA, PSR, MPAT, PSCBC Resolutions
- Implement conditions of service and service benefits
- Payment of service benefits i.e. housing allowance, etc.
- Management of leave
- Administration of pension benefits
- Development and implementation of transversal Human Resource Policies
- The provisioning of personnel.
- The managing of the PERSAL System.
- The administration of service conditions.