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This week, the National Department of Health hosted a one-day Case Management Workshop on Malaria in Upington located in the Northern Cape Province. The workshop gathered health professionals and support staff from all four districts of the Northern Cape, with a primary focus on enhancing the provinces malaria response.
Malaria remains a significant public health concern, and it's control requires proactive, coordinated effects across multiple levels.
Strengthening Malaria Response: 
The workshop serves as an important platform to
Healthcare Workers to exchange knowledge and
National goal of Elimination:
With the broader goal of malaria elimination in South
Africa, the province remains focused on maintaining its
low-risk status and continuing efforts to prevent the
disease from spreading.
Collaborative Efforts:
Through collaborative action and sharing expertise, the
healthcare workers from various districts committed to
upholding the province's commitment to malaria-free
This workshop marks a crucial step in the journey to eliminate malaria, ensuring that the Northern Cape continues to be a leader in public health initiatives and malaria control efforts.