State Of The Nation Address Debate


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Premier Dr. Zamani Saul's response to the State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate emphasised the Northern Cape's commitment to supporting the current government and its initiatives. He stated, "The GNU will not collapse but will run its term," highlighting the coalition's dedication to fulfilling its mandate.

In his speech, Premier Saul discussed various provincial achievements and initiatives, including:

Economic Growth: The Northern Cape has positioned itself as a hub for renewable and green energy, attracting significant investments in sectors such as mining, renewable energy, and agriculture. This strategic focus aims to stimulate economic activity and create jobs across the province.
Education: The province has made notable strides in improving education quality. The proportion of individuals aged 5-24 attending educational institutions increased from 64.2% to 70.3% in 2022, marking the largest increase among all provinces. Additionally, the percentage of individuals aged 20 and older with no schooling declined from 22.7% to 6.7% in the same year. 

Infrastructure Development: The Northern Cape has invested in broadband infrastructure and base stations, with operators like Vodacom, Telkom, and MTN contributing nearly R1 billion. This investment aims to enhance connectivity and support economic growth.

Governance and Financial Management: The provincial government has achieved clean audit outcomes across all departments, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and effective financial management. Notably, the province has maintained a positive bank balance in its exchequer account for three consecutive years, reflecting sound fiscal policies.