Premier Launches Bucket Eradication Programme in Cambell


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In keeping with Government’s commitment to remove all buckets on formal stands; the Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, this week announced the eradication of buckets programme in Campbell in the Siyancuma Municipal area. The aim of the project is to construct a new wastewater treatment plant and bulk outfall sewer, ensuring sustainable sanitation service delivery to the community.

In the Province we are in the final stages of the bucket eradication project with only Campbell still having about 596 buckets that need to be removed on formal stands. It should be borne in mind that with the migration and expansion of small towns and villages also placed an extra challenge on government to deliver services beyond the planned programmes and unexpected expansion of service needs.

The project in Campbell will be rolled out in four phases and includes the following:

Total estimated cost for the project is R 153 million. The cost for the project also includes consulting and professional fees.

The first phase is scheduled to start in January, with the second phase planned to start in March.  The third and fourth phase will run simultaneously.

It is estimated that the Infrastructure will service a total of 989 households in Campbell so the infrastructure is not only for the 596 households. The Bucket toilets in Campbell will be replaced by full water borne systems therefore this requires construction of wastewater treatment works as Campbell does not have one and they make use septic tanks. Additional bulk water is also required for the added demand that as a result of the water house connections and full water sanitation system. Internal water and sewer network has to be upgraded and refurbished as some pipes are dilapidated and some are asbestos pipes, pipes also have to be extended to households without water.

It therefore goes without saying that it is not just a matter of erecting a flush toilet and we are good to go. It is the establishment of an entire new sanitation system and those who understand the dynamics of town planning and bulk infrastructure would understand that it does not equate to more than R200 000 per toilet. 

The Premier also launched the upgrading of the Douglas Treatment Works and announced a conveyancer to speed up the processing and registering of Title Deeds to the rightful owners of properties can become home owners.

We are a Province at work and will not be derailed by ill-informed opinions that carry no substance other than populist sensationalism.

Media Enquiries
Ms. Bronwyn Thomas- Abrahams, Spokesperson to the Premier, 083 447 6586, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Issued by the Office of the Premier
14 December 2023