The National Assembly Portfolio Committe Meeting at Sol Plaatjie Municipality


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MEC for Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements  and  Traditional  Affairs Hon Bantley Vass, together with MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Hon Abraham Vosloo during the National Assembly Portfolio Committe Meeting at Sol Plaatjie Municipality from 28-31 March 2023.

In a meeting with DCoG on the State of Local Government Report (SOLG)  it was identified  that these Municipalities form part of the Sixty-Four (64) dysfunctional Municipalities  in the country.  Furthermore   Phokwane Local Municipality,  has been under Constitutional intervention for a number of years.

The Committee had previously virtual engagements on the state of these Municipalities and by the information reported in the SOLG Report  the status quo has not changed.

The Committee will look into the  following areas:

-Assess progress made since the last virtual engagements and appearance  before the Committee 
-Determine the support provided to Phokwane LM in terms of S139(5) Constitutional Intervention 
-Progress with the implementation of the District One Plan

Present in the Committee Meetings are:

-Office of the Auditor General
-Department of Cooperative Governance 
-National House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership 
-Frances Baard District Municipality 
-Sol Plaatjie Local Municipality 
-Phokwane Local Municipality 
