In Honoring The Life Of The Late Jackson Shuping


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In honoring the life of the late Jackson Shuping, Premier Dr. Zamani Saul, has pledged Government’s support for an annual two-week training session to the value of R350 000 this year, and R500 000 for the next financial year, for young upcoming artists, who will receive training on several aspects of the arts. The training will start in August, in commemoration of Jacksons' birth month. 

Premier Saul also committed R30 million towards the refurbishment of the Mayibuye Arts Centre. This community arts centre has been instrumental in the grooming of many artists in the Province. 

On behalf of the Northern Cape Provincial Government, the Premier also sent his most heartfelt condolences to Jackson’s family, friends, and comrades who all gathered at the Northern Cape Theatre in celebration of his life. 


