Premier Zamani Saul to Address the Public Service Commission's Plenary


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The Public Service Commission will hold its quarterly Plenary meeting from 13 – 15 March 2023 at the Protea Hotel in Kimberly. The Northern Cape Premier, Dr Zamani Saul and the Speaker of the Northern Cape Provincial Legislature, Ms Newrene Klaaste have been invited to address the Plenary. To this end, the Premier will deliver his address on Monday, 13 March 2023 at 09:00 whilst the Speaker will address the Plenary on Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at 09:00.

The PSC Plenary, led by the Commission’s Chairperson, Prof Somadoda Fikeni is the highest decision- making body of the PSC and will over a three-day period, reflect on the work that the Commission has done during the 3rd quarter of the 2022/2023 Financial Year.

The spotlight on the Public Administration matters will include amongst others, the implementation of the National Framework for Professionalization of the Public Sector; Organizational Performance and the Commission’s Flagship projects.

The Plenary takes place at the backdrop of President Ramaphosa’s announcement that a legislation is underway to strengthen the role of the Commission in a bid to achieve a single and harmonized public service.

The members of the Media are invited to attend and cover the Plenary as follows:

Date:          Monday, 13 March 20232
Time:          09:00
Venue:        Protea Hotel, Kimberly

Enquiries:      Humphrey Ramafoko – 082 782 1730
Themba Gadebe – 081 522 6616