Premier Dr Zamani Saul Sends Condolences to the Family, Friends and Catholic Communicty on the Passing of Archbishop Abel Gabuza


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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, on behalf of the Provincial Government, wishes to express our sadness on the passing of the Archbishop of the Catholic Church, Abel Gabuza. At the time of his passing, he was the Archbishop of Durban, having served the people of Kimberley formerly as the Bishop. His passing is a great loss to the people of Durban, the church and the people in Kimberley who he served, the broader Catholic Church in Southern Africa and the entire religious fraternity.

Archbishop Gabuza has been described as a gentle, caring and warm-hearted person who impacted greatly on the lives of people.

At this hour of great loss, our thoughts are with the broader Catholic Church and the congregants that he has served throughout his life. Our sincerest condolences to Archbishop’s sister Hildegarde, his extended family and the people of Pretoria where he hails from and where his home diocese is located as well as everyone who has come to know; love and respect this remarkable man of the Church.  

May the members of the Church, family and friends be comforted during this difficult time and may the soul of Archbishop Gabuza rest in peace and rise in glory.

Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Spokesperson to the Premier
083 447 6586
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Issued by the Office of the Premier