Northern Cape Coronavirus, Covid-19 Expenditure Report


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As committed, by the Premier of the Northern Cape and Chairperson of the Provincial Coronavirus Command Council, Dr Zamani Saul;  herewith find a report on expenditure incurred by the Provincial Government on procurement of Covid-19 related items. As at 31 July 2020, the Provincial Government has spent a total of R 171, 591, 877, 86 million on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Social relief, disinfection of public buildings and infrastructure works and repairs. This list will be shared with the Presidency for further analysis. The total number of companies that have benefited from the Covid-19 related procurement spend by the Province is 175.

The Premier also welcomes and supports the initiative by the President to publish all Covid-19 related expenditure for public scrutiny. Premier has always been very vocal and is on record regarding the responsible spending of public funds. Making the list accessible to the public is in the interest of transparency and openness and also to give an account on Provincial Government’s efforts in containing the spread of the pandemic.

It should also be noted that this list is not conclusive and additions will be made as further expenditure is incurred. This list will also form part of the external audit processes of the Auditor-General. 

The Provincial Government led by Premier Saul and supported by the Provincial Command Council and Civil Society will continue with all protocols and best practices at our disposal to ensure that our people are best protected against the Coronavirus. Premier has expressed his satisfaction and optimism in all the efforts by especially our frontline health services workers in containing the spread and devastating consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The greater part of all economic, social and tertiary activities has been opened, albeit under stringent conditions and therefore Premier Saul calls on all of us to do our part and to become active combatants in the war against COVID-19. As we know, the virus is spread and moved by people and it becomes incumbent on all to act responsibly and consciously. We are responsible for the well-being of one another and we cannot impress the importance to religiously follow all safety protocols declared. We continue to advocate for the mandatory wearing of masks, practice social distancing and continue to wash hands with water and soap or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.

The list can be viewed on our website at

Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Spokesperson to the Premier
083 447 6586
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Issued by the Office of the Premier