Inaugural Meeting of the District Development Model


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The Premier of the Northern Cape, Dr Zamani Saul, today convened the inaugural meeting of the Provincial District Development Model for municipalities. “With this District Development Model approach we are aiming to achieve a single integrated plan per district with clear funding in order to bring change to the lives of the people,” said the Premier. The meeting that was held virtually had in attendance the Minister for State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo and the Deputy Ministers Ms Noxolo Kiviet – Public Works, Ms Regina Mhaule – Basic Education, Ms Nomalungelo Gina – Trade and Industry and Mr Fish Mahlalela – Tourism, that have been deployed to the Province as well as Provincial MECs, District Mayors and officials.

The District Development Model was developed by National Government to transform government planning and to address the systemic fragmented service delivery between the three spheres of Government. Nationally 44 districts and eight metros have been identified in order to speed up service delivery and economic development with the aim of creating jobs. In welcoming the National Champions to the Province, that have been allocated by the President earlier this year; the Premier also assigned MECs to the Districts to ensure that proper synchronisation should take place between the work that gets done at a National and a Provincial level with the work of the District. “We are certain that with the District Development Model of creating One Plan we will be able to strengthen the capacity of the Districts,” stated the Premier.

The formulation of the One Plan has to happen through a series of collaborative and Intergovernmental planning sessions reflecting on research, evidence, solution and innovation-oriented dialogues based on each district’s own dynamics, challenges and opportunities.

The role of the National and Provincial Political champions would be to provide political oversight and support to improve cooperation and collaboration across the three spheres of governant to implement the District Development Model. They will also provide strategic guidance for the development and implementation of the One Plan.

The District Development Model also seeks to contribute towards the institutional stabilisation of the allocated district and the reprioritisation process that seeks to respond to urgent institutional and governance gaps, and development priorities outlined in the specific district profile. These Champions will also facilitate the District-wide adoption of the One Plan through the various IGR structures and work with sector departmental Ministries and provide support to unblock and bring to the surface any issues that may hinder progress in the implementation of the District Development Model.  

Given the fact that we are currently confronted by the Covid-19 pandemic, these Champions will also have to exercise oversight on the roll out of COVD-19 Relief funds and respond to urgent COVD-19 issues in the district. Transparency and accountability will be promoted in the implementation of the District Development Model.

Since this was an initial meeting the focus was on the socio-economic profile of the Province and zooming into the Districts. The Covid-19 response was also discussed especially strategies that are being put in place to prepare for the peak in infections.

The National Champions all pledged their support and commitment to working with the Province. “We appreciate the leadership taken in convening the meeting and will also extend our support to focus on Gender Based Violence and femicide as well as issues affecting the aged,” said Minister for State Security, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo, who is the District Champion for the Pixley ka Seme District Municipality.

“The expectation now is that further engagements of National and Provincial Champions must take place in order to start work on consolidating the District Plan. Districts must also establish technical teams that will bolster the work of the Champions. In response to the surge in Gender Based Violence and Femicide cases, the Province has set up a Provincial task team,” said the Premier.

The Premier requested that work starts in earnest and that it focuses on evidence based planning and evidence based reporting. This forum chaired by the Premier will meet frequently to assess the work that is unfolding at Districts and to ensure that the Districts can learn from each other.


Bronwyn Thomas-Abrahams
Office of the Premier
083 447 6586
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Issued by the Office of the Premier, Northern Cape